About Me
About Me

We’re trying to do it all while looking like we’re not doing anything. We’re like ducks. On the surface everything is calm and serene but under the water their feet are paddling for dear life. We are striving to be everything to everyone in our lives and the truth is that’s impossible. Yet we keep trying. It’s why we are exhausted and suffering from illnesses at higher rates than any other population.
We are killing ourselves trying to be super women.
This society is full of dangers for our families and us. We rightfully worry whenever our loved ones or we leave the house because this society is not a nurturing place, danger lurks and this knowledge creates extra stress for WOC. This stress leads to mental, emotional and physical illness.

We’re trying to do it all while looking like we’re not doing anything. We’re like ducks. On the surface everything is calm and serene but under the water their feet are paddling for dear life. We are striving to be everything to everyone in our lives and the truth is that’s impossible. Yet we keep trying. It’s why we are exhausted and suffering from illnesses at higher rates than any other population.
We are killing ourselves trying to be super women.
This society is full of dangers for our families and us. We rightfully worry whenever our loved ones or we leave the house because this society is not a nurturing place, danger lurks and this knowledge creates extra stress for WOC. This stress leads to mental, emotional and physical illness.

The voice of fear is repetitive. It nags at you, telling you that your worst fears are actually reality, not just thoughts in your head. It drains your strength and steals the joy from your relationships and life in general.
How can you relax when the worst is on its way? That voice tells you that you are unworthy, there’s something wrong with you, your dreams will never come true, and all that you love will be taken from you…
Additionally you may live in a mental world filled with regret and sadness over the road not taken. Whether it’s anxiety or depression that is dominating your thoughts, it’s time to change the messages!
The time has come for you to start hearing a different story; one that fills you with hope and faith in yourself and your life.
Together we will identify all the thoughts that are disempowering, clear out the self-judgments that lead you to believe you are not worthy of a joyful, peaceful existence. You will cultivate peace and stability even in the face of raging external storms.

The voice of fear is repetitive. It nags at you, telling you that your worst fears are actually reality, not just thoughts in your head. It drains your strength and steals the joy from your relationships and life in general.
How can you relax when the worst is on its way? That voice tells you that you are unworthy, there’s something wrong with you, your dreams will never come true, and all that you love will be taken from you…
Additionally you may live in a mental world filled with regret and sadness over the road not taken. Whether it’s anxiety or depression that is dominating your thoughts, it’s time to change the messages!
The time has come for you to start hearing a different story; one that fills you with hope and faith in yourself and your life.
Together we will identify all the thoughts that are disempowering, clear out the self-judgments that lead you to believe you are not worthy of a joyful, peaceful existence. You will cultivate peace and stability even in the face of raging external storms.

Practicing mindfulness, self-care, self-love and compassion is the foundation of living a vibrant, fulfilling life. You experience life differently when you are no longer at the mercy of painful memories and imaginings.
Mindful living allows you to cultivate internal spaciousness allowing you to respond to events in your life rather than react. You can face unpleasant experiences with calm, detachment, never losing your inner grounding and confidence.
Through mindfulness, you will experience increased faith in your ability to hear your intuition. No more indecisiveness or uncertainty. You will finally be able to experience the joy of work/life balance.

One of the best side effects of mindful living is that your relationships will improve along with your ability to be fully present in the moment with the people in your life.
They will experience the authentic you that they’ve been longing to know. There’s no greater satisfaction than knowing you are loved for who you truly are. Are you ready to step into your new, blissful life?
Who’s the person behind Mindful Living with Ana Maria?

After overcoming the post-partum depression I experienced after the birth of my daughter in 2003, I knew I had to help other women face the challenges we all deal with as we journey through life.
The hardest part of that time was feeling isolated and unsupported. I never wanted another woman or mother to go through what I was dealing with.
I decided that my life’s purpose is to open a holistic healing center for women and mothers of children under 18. I am building a safe space for women to seek support with health and wellness, therapy and parenting guidance.
I spent most of the years after grad school doing life coaching with women seeking to improve their overall health and wellness. The mental and psychological aspect of health and wellness is the most neglected aspect and ironically it’s the key to long-term success. As the mind goes, so goes the body.
While life coaching was/is fulfilling for me, I also want to serve women in a deeper way. I want to work with women interested in committing to long term, deep personal growth and healing.
I had been to therapists as a teen and young adult and I longed to feel more of a connection with them.
I would have appreciated knowing that they had walked at least a few steps in my shoes.
I wished there would have been a little more connection on a woman-to-woman level.
The one aspect I enjoyed the most about coaching was my ability to share the ways I’ve overcome certain challenges, with my clients. That way of working is something I brought into my therapy practice.
I don’t hide who I am from you while asking you to open up yourself to me.

I’m thankful that I’ve found work that is both fulfilling and meaningful. I’m able to help people change their lives and as we all know when you heal a woman you heal the nation.
I’m so thankful I get to do such amazing and powerful work.

I’m thankful that I’ve found work that is both fulfilling and meaningful. I’m able to help people change their lives and as we all know when you heal a woman you heal the nation.
I’m so thankful I get to do such amazing and powerful work.
My daughter and I relocated from Brooklyn, New York to Pearland, Tx in the summer of 2017. I’m so excited to begin this new chapter in my life and look forward to having you be a part of it.
The reasons “they” say I’m qualified to do this work…
I received my Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling from Long Island University and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Howard University.
I am trained in EMDR and up to Level 3 in Gottman Couples therapy. I am certified clinical trauma professional as well as a certified mental health integrative medicine provider.
My mindfulness background and training is diverse. I have had my own mindfulness practice for almost two decades. I’m a certified meditation instructor and I am also in the process of completing my yoga teacher 500 hour training certification as a part of my goal of providing trauma sensitive yoga as a part of therapy for my clients.