Find Healing through Trauma Therapy and PTSD Therapy
in Texas
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy is a tool for bringing healing and wholeness back into your life after life-disrupting trauma. Get the support you need in Pearland, League City, Friendswood, and beyond.


Does life feel like a tailspin and you desperately need an anchor to bring you back to solid ground? Reach out for the professional guidance and support that can ground you and help you arrive at a place of safety and wholeness.
No matter where you are in this moment, there’s hope for healing and peace. Ana María Serrano provides Trauma and PTSD Therapy based on modalities proven to work for survivors of trauma experiencing anxiety and depression. She is trained in EMDR.

Through this trusted, evidence-based treatment, Ana Maria will stand with you as you work through the trauma you have experienced and begin a journey to a better way of living and being.

Free from the often debilitating symptoms of trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Does life feel like a tailspin and you desperately need an anchor to bring you back to solid ground? Reach out for the professional guidance and support that can ground you and help you arrive at a place of safety and wholeness.
No matter where you are in this moment, there’s hope for healing and peace. Ana María Serrano provides Trauma and PTSD Therapy based on Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy.

Through this trusted, evidence-based treatment, Ana Maria will stand with you as you work through the trauma you have experienced and begin a journey to a better way of living and being.

Free from the often debilitating symptoms of trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
If you have had trauma in your life, you may be suffering from PTSD, anxiety, and depression.
Let Ana María facilitate the welcoming, safe space for you to address underlying trauma

If you have had trauma in your life, you may be suffering from PTSD, anxiety, and depression.
Let Ana María facilitate the welcoming, safe space for you to address underlying trauma

Do Any of These Experiences Sound Familiar?
Shock or disbelief over the reality of the traumatic experience you encountered
Fear you will lose control of your emotions or that you will again experience the trauma
Reliving the traumatic event, often following a trigger sight, sound, or smell
Helplessness – feeling painfully vulnerable, as if you are unable to move forward in your life
Overwhelming sense of guilt that permeates your daily life
Anger or shame that is creating problems in your relationships or work life
A negative change in your worldview or beliefs
Avoidance of social situations that may remind you of your trauma
Difficulty sleeping or being at rest
Physical symptoms such as trembling, shaking, pounding heart, rapid breathing, stomach churning, dizziness, cold sweats, racing thoughts, or a perpetual lump in your throat
Do Any of These Experiences Sound Familiar?
Shock or disbelief over the reality of the traumatic experience you encountered
Fear you will lose control of your emotions or that you will again experience the trauma
Reliving the traumatic event, often following a trigger sight, sound, or smell
Helplessness – feeling painfully vulnerable, as if you are unable to move forward in your life
Overwhelming sense of guilt that permeates your daily life
Anger or shame that is creating problems in your relationships or work life
A negative change in your worldview or beliefs
Avoidance of social situations that may remind you of your trauma
Difficulty sleeping or being at rest
Physical symptoms such as trembling, shaking, pounding heart, rapid breathing, stomach churning, dizziness, cold sweats, racing thoughts, or a perpetual lump in your throat
Whether you are a veteran who experienced trauma in the line of duty, or anyone suffering with the pain and symptoms of trauma of any kind, you aren’t alone. Countless people who have lived with trauma and PTSD are transforming their lives with Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy and EMDR.
Through a customized blend of mindfulness practices and trauma processing, Ana María will help you learn how you can remain in the present and accept your thoughts and feelings without judgement. This healing process brings freedom from the symptoms that have been holding you back and keeping you stuck in the trauma.
Instead of just trying to survive each day while you battle the painful memories and symptoms, you can learn to let the difficult feelings in and accept them for what they are. By doing this, you’ll regain control of your life and your journey forward.
No more self-criticism and judgement. No more ruminating thoughts. Instead, you’ll experience freedom from your painful past—and the ability to leave old behaviors behind as you develop new, healthy behaviors to create the life you desire.
Ana María specializes in trauma/PTSD therapy and is committed to helping you experience true healing through Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy treatment.
She is a certified Clinical Trauma Professional who is ready to guide you to the other side of healing and wholeness.
The structure of her therapeutic process includes:
Initial session in which you work together to identify the goals of therapy
Weekly 60-minute sessions in the beginning, tapering off as you begin to experience relief of symptoms and healing
If you live in Texas contact Ana María now to get started on a path to trauma resolution, healing, and the freedom to live your life on your own terms.